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Generated Invoice Information

You generate invoices and other documents in your edna dashboard.

Available Invoices

The following types of invoices are available to you:

  • An invoice for payment of the fixed part of the license
  • An invoice for payment of the variable part of the license (if the size of the fixed part of the license was exceeded)
  • An invoice for services (if you have a credit limit (overdraft))

The invoice for the license or services is formed in accordance with the terms of the contract/offer.

If you work with a deferred payment condition (i.e., with overdraft), an invoice for services is formed within seven working days after the reporting period is closed. The current documents will be uploaded to your dashboard, where they will be available for download. Documents for previous reporting periods are also available for download.

How to Download Accounting Documents

  1. Open the Profile → Company profile section of edna Pulse.
  2. Go to the Payment → Documents tab.
  3. If necessary, filter out the required reporting period and document type.
  4. Click Download .pdf for the required document.

Taxes and Fees

  • Residents of Cyprus: In the payment account of residents of Cyprus, statistics on the services used are presented with VAT. The amount of VAT is added to the cost of services and licenses in accordance with the norms of the tax legislation. In payment documents and documents confirming the provision of services, the amount of VAT will be indicated in a separate line. The amount of the license fee and service fee is subject to VAT in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Cyprus.
  • Non-residents of Cyprus: For non-residents of Cyprus, the amount of VAT is not indicated in payment documents and documents confirming the provision of services.