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Getting Started with edna Pulse

Welcome to the edna platform – an omnichannel way to communicate with your clients in digital channels. Here you can set up a dialogue with clients in a way that is convenient for you, using relevant channels and tools that speed up and simplify communication, as well as analyzing the results of your work.

In this article, we will cover your first steps in the system.

First Login

To complete your registration in edna and log in to the system for the first time, you need to follow the link that you receive from your account manager.

  1. Follow the link received from your account manager. The link is valid for 72 hours after being sent.

    Your details will already be filled in your edna dashboard (except for the financial data), and your login will be available there as well.
  2. Create a password for your dashboard and log in.

    If your contract type is offer, then by completing the first login, you automatically agree to its terms. If your contract type is paper contract, you have already agreed to its terms while concluding it.

Your next steps in the system depend on your contract type.

Users with Offer

If your contract type is offer, then once you are logged in, you need to accept the pricing conditions specified for you and fill in your payment details. Otherwise, you will be not able to start working in the system.

If someone else is responsible for payments in your company, please send them the instruction that follows.

To accept the pricing conditions per channel:

  1. In your edna dashboard, go to Profile → Company profile.
  2. On the Pricing tab, review the proposed pricing conditions (as agreed on with your account manager) and click Fine!

To fill in the payment details:

  1. In Company profile, go to the Company details tab.
  2. Fill in the details as required and save the changes.

Users with Paper Contract

If your contract type is paper, you do not need to accept your pricing conditions, as you have already done it when concluding the contract. If necessary, you can see your rates on the Pricing tab in Profile → Company profile at any time. However, you need to fill in your payment details, as further operation without it is not possible.

  1. In your edna dashboard, go to Profile → Company profile.
  2. Go to the Company details tab.
  3. Fill in the details as required and save the changes.

License and Service Fees

Depending on your contract terms, before you start sending broadcasts, you might need to pay the license fee within the terms established by your contract.

The edna platform automatically debits your license fee(s) from your balance or overdraft (if you are working using overdraft). A payment event occurs as follows:

  • When the license is activates (the activation conditions are specified in the contract).
  • When the license is being renewed – on the first day of every month.

Also, depending on your contract terms, before you start sending broadcasts, you might also need to pay the service fee by topping up your balance.

You can generate an invoice for services to top up your balance. The invoice can be paid in any bank office or via a client-bank system.

Before you transfer the funds, make sure that the payment order correctly indicates the following:

  • Payment amount
  • Bank details
  • The organization or sole proprietor’s taxpayer identification number (TIN/INN)
  • Purpose of payment with indication of the correct amount and details of the contract

We recommend that you closely monitor the funds on your personal account and top up the balance to a positive value. If the account balance is zero or if it exceeds the maximum overdraft amount, edna reserves the right to suspend the services. For more details, refer to the License and Service Payments and Payment Cycle articles.

However, regardless of your contract type and the state of your licenses and balance, you can test sending messages via WhatsApp API without any additional settings from your side using an embedded testing tool on the Integration page.

Test Sending Messages

To send a message from your number to a test chat with edna and receive a message in it, you need to:

  1. In your edna dashboard, go to the Testing tab on the Integration page.
  2. Click Generate an API key.
  3. In the Enter test phone numbers field, enter a phone number you will use to send a message to the test WhatsApp channel and click Add phone. For example, you can add your own phone number. The device must have the WhatsApp app available with the specified number connected to it.
  4. Use the device to scan the QR code or follow the link available in the interactive instruction.
    After this, a WhatsApp chat with edna test account opens on your device. Send any message in that chat. Then, go to the Analytics page to make sure it displays the message you just sent. This is the analytics for all messages sent and received in your channels in edna.
  5. Using an embedded tool on the Testing tab of the Integration page, send an outgoing message to the test account. For this, enter the added test number to the respective string as follows:

    "subscriberFilter": {
    "address": "79000000000",
    "type": "PHONE"

    where instead of 79000000000 is your test number.
  6. Click Call Resource.
  7. Make sure the message is received on the specified device.

Setting Up edna Pulse

You are ready to set up your work in the system. For references, use the articles in our online help and short descriptions of the processes available below.

Register Channels

Go to Settings → Channels to create a channel for your broadcasts. There, you can select an available channel and submit its form for registration. After your channel is registered by its provider, you will get a notification that the channel is ready for work.

For more details, refer to the articles about the respective channels: WhatsApp, Viber, SMS, Push.

Create or Upload Audience

Go to Audience to create clients one by one or upload a list of them. Clients are the audience of your broadcasts. You can assign tags and variables to your clients to easier personalize broadcasts for different segments.

Register Templates

This process is only available if the channels for which you want to create templates have already been registered.

Go to Settings → Templates to select a registered channel and create a template for it. Depending on the template type, it might also need to be registered with the provider after you create it.

There are three types of templates: operator, custom, and free. For the details on each type depending on the channel and how to create them, refer to the articles of the respective channels: WhatsApp, Viber, SMS.

Create Cascades

Go to SettingsCascades to create an order in which the system sends the messages through one or several channels in terms of a broadcast. A broadcast needs at least one cascade. In turn, a cascade must consist of at least one channel.

For more details, refer here.

Set Up Broadcasts

Go to Broadcasts to create a new broadcast or to see the statistics of a previous one. To successfully set up a broadcast, you need to closely follow the algorithm as described in both the interactive instruction and online help.

Review Analytics

Go to Analytics → Messages page to review the results of your broadcasts, monitor the outgoing and incoming messages, and access detailed message reports.