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How to Get a Google Service Account JSON File

  1. Log in to Google Cloud.
  2. Create a Google Service Account following the instructions.
  3. Go to the section IAM & AdminService accounts.
  4. Select the required service account and open the Keys tab.
  5. Click Add keyCreate new key.
  1. Select the JSON key type.
  2. Click Create to download the JSON file.

Then send the downloaded JSON file to your personal edna manager.

How to Create a Google Service Account

  1. Log in to Google Cloud.
  2. Go to the section IAM & AdminService accounts.
  3. Select a project from the drop-down list.
  4. Click Create service account.
  1. Enter the account name in the Service account name field.
  2. Specify the account ID in the Service account ID field.
  3. Add a description to the account in the Service account description field.
  4. Click Create and continue.
  1. Click Select a role and add the Service Account Token Creator and Firebase Cloud Messaging API Admin roles to give the service account access to receive tokens and send messages to Firebase Cloud Messaging.
  2. Click ContinueDone.
In this article