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Channel Deactivation

How do I deactivate the Viber channel?

To deactivate the channel, send a request to your personal edna manager. In the request, include the channel name, the deactivation date and the reason for deactivation.

When can I deactivate the Viber channel?

You can deactivate the channel at any time, but the changes won’t take effect until the next day. For example, if you deactivate the channel on 1 May, it will no longer work on 2 May.

When will the billing of the Viber channel stop after deactivation?

If the channel is active for at least one day in a month, Viber will bill it for that month. To stop billing the channel from the following month, the channel should be deactivated no later than two working days before the start of the deactivation month.


What is the daily message limit?

There is no limit to the number of messages you can send per day.

What images can I send in the broadcast?

The maximum image size is 400 x 400 pixels. Acceptable formats are PNG or JPG.

How many characters can I use in a button?

The maximum number of characters in the button text is 30.

What types of files can I send?
  • Electronic documents: Word (DOC and DOCX), PDF, Excel (XLS and XLSX).
  • Text files: TXT, RTF, DOT, DOTX, ODT, ODF, FODT, INFO.
  • Image files: XPS, PDAX, EPS.
What is the maximum file size to send?

25 MB.

How do I use buttons in Viber templates?

You can only use buttons in marketing templates. You can use one button per template.

General Questions

How do I change the information in my Viber profile?

Send a request to technical support support@edna.io. In the request, specify the information to be changed and the channel for which the changes are required.

Can I save the channel name when changing the provider?

Yes, the channel name is saved after the provider change.

Does Viber register templates with a link in the text?

Yes, it does.

Is it possible to add a link to a parameter?

Yes, it is.

How do I create a link to the Viber Business Messages chat?

Link format: viber://chat?service=ID, where ID is the account ID in the Viber system. To find out your account ID, contact technical support support@edna.io.