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6.15.0 (August 22, 2024)


  • Added the ability to change the agent status in the supervisor’s automated workplace. Now the supervisor can open the required agent’s card on the History tab or in the Agent status widget and change the agent’s status.
    Learn more about the Agent status widget.
  • Added the ability to connect a new Avito channel to edna Chat Center.
  • Improved the work with response templates in the agent’s automated workplace. When preparing a response, the agent can now either add one or more response templates to the text in the message input field, or select and send response templates without additional text.
    Learn more about response templates.
  • Improved the logic of displaying email conversations in the supervisor’s automated workplace. Now, if the supervisor.see-only-own-unit.enabled setting is enabled, the supervisor sees all the threads and email conversations in which subordinate agents have written. If the setting is disabled, the supervisor sees all the threads, even those in which subordinate agents haven’t written.
  • Added a global error handler to edna Chat Center.
  • Changed the favicon design for the number of notifications.
  • Updated all edna Chat Center services to Java version 21.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an error which prevented the agent from receiving attachments from the client sent through the WhatsApp channel.
  • Fixed an error when searching for users in the administrator’s automated workplace.
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