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6.16.0 (September 9, 2024)

General Updates

  • Added a 404 error display to indicate that the requested page was not found.

General Bug Fixes

  • Now when the web widget chat is minimized, the customer will receive notifications about new messages and see their number.
  • Now the unauthorized web widget is displayed correctly after submitting the feedback form.
  • Now the scroll bar in the message input field of the unauthorized web widget works correctly.

Agent’s Automated Workplace Updates

  • Updated the agent’s response time parameter in personal statistics. Now it consists of two values:
    • First reply time, sec. Displays the average time it took the agent to send the first message in response to the thread assignment.
    • Reply time, sec. Displays the average time it took the agent to send all subsequent responses in the assigned thread after the first response
      Read more about the agent’s personal statistics.
  • Added the agent response timer. Now, when a message is received from a customer, a progress bar can be displayed in the agent’s personal queue that changes color and decreases as time counts down.
    Read more about the agent response timer.

Agent’s Automated Workplace Bug Fixes

  • Now the attached files from the agent and the chatbot are correctly delivered to the customer in the Telegram channel.
  • Now the thread will be terminated correctly if the agent calls the command after the response.
  • Now the message from the agent with the double line break is displayed in the complete format.
  • Now the Continue work button in the Inactivity warning window works correctly.

Supervisors’s Automated Workplace Bug Fixes

  • Now the specified filter values are saved when refreshing the History tab.
  • Now files are attached correctly in outgoing messages.

Administrator’s Automated Workplace Updates

Administrator’s Automated Workplace Bug Fixes

  • Now you can correctly add the previously deleted email address in the Redirect email messages section.
  • Now the Sessions and Resumed sessions fields of the Session settings section support numeric characters only.
  • Now the Save and create button in the Response templates and tags section works correctly.