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  • Bot Connect API Description

Bot Connect API Description

edna can send 3 different types of webhooks to the сhatbot. An administrator can create/edit these webhooks at their workplace for each chatbot.

  1. INIT_CHAT webhook is intended for chats being initiated by the bot (for example, in a proactive greeting scenario). The webhook is sent when a client opens the chat. This is only applicable for chat applications based on the edna SDK.
    This webhook can be used for proactive greetings from the bot. For proactive greetings, the /chatbot/greet method is required.
  2. MESSAGE webhook is called when there is a new client message that needs to be sent to a chatbot.
    After passing segmentation, any thread can be routed to an external bot. All client messages will be sent to the bot using the MESSAGE webhook. The bot must process them and send a response via the /v1/chatbot endpoint.
  3. TRAINING webhook is called when hints are enabled. In this case, the thread is sent to the bot for training so that it could create hints for agents.
    All messages, both client and agent ones, are sent to the bot using the TRAINING webhook. A bot needs to process them and send a response via the /v1/chatbot/hints endpoint.

The interaction scheme looks as follows:

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