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5.1.0 (December 7, 2022)

New Features

We have implemented some important changes for agents:

  • A new client search interface is now available. The search bar is now located in the upper pane of the agent WP. The new interface provides the same functionality as the old one: searching for clients, viewing threads, opening a thread with a client, and sending messages to clients. 
  • The functionality of viewing a client’s threads in the search window is updated. Previously, threads were displayed separately, but now you can see the whole chat with a client in the same window.
  • The functionality of sending messages to clients has also been updated:
    • We have updated the sending message window for all channels. It now consists of three steps: selecting a channel, entering the message text, selecting what to do with the message after the system sends it (complete the resulting thread after the message is sent; send the message and assign the thread that starts to yourself; send the message and assign the thread to another agent/group of agents). 
    • In the WhatsApp and Viber channels, you can now send a message to a client who never previously contacted edna Chat Center. For that, a new functionality of adding a client is available: an agent searches for the client in the search bar, and if they do not find the required one – they can click the Create client button. When creating a client, you need to specify their phone number. After that, you will be able to select the connected WhatsApp channel to send a message and proceed to the next steps.
    • We have also implemented loading of registered message templates from the edna Pulse for the WhatsApp and Viber channels. These templates will be available at step 2 of sending a message to a client. Please note that only templates that have only text fields in their structure with no other content attached (images, links, buttons, etc.) will be available for selection here.
  • The Compose button is now always available in the client’s card. Once you click it, it opens a window where you can send a message to this client. 
  • In the mobile version of the agent WP, for Android devices, we have implemented notifications about new client messages in the form of web push notifications.

Bug Fixes

  • In the mobile version of the agent WP, we have adjusted the Open thread button that is displayed when you hover over an internal comment and want to open the thread where it is left.  
  • We have fixed the behavior that caused agents to be switched to a different status after the connection was restored (not the one they had before it).
  • We have fixed minor bugs related to the entered text in the message input field displays when switching between threads in the agent WP.
  • We have fixed the behavior based on which a system message after making a decision on the blocking request did not display in the chat history in the supervisor WP.
  • The correct operation of the auth parameter has been restored for the following reports:
    • Processing performance
    • Messages report
    • Survey results
  • The correct generation of the Messages report when using the Employees filter has also been restored.
In this article